Should You Brush Your Teeth Before or After Breakfast? 

The American Dental Association has long advised brushing your teeth twice daily for 2 minutes at a time. However, these instructions do not specify when you should wash your teeth. Most people brush their teeth simultaneously every day to maintain a regular brushing habit. Cleaning your teeth every morning and again before bedtime is normal for most people. Brushing becomes a habit with this simple schedule. But what if you have been cleaning your teeth at the wrong time in the morning? 

While no one likes to eat breakfast with the taste of fluoride lingering in their mouth, it may be the greatest thing for their teeth. Talk to a dentist in Northeast Philadelphia to learn more. 

Why brushing your teeth before breakfast may be better 

This question may have a scientific answer. Plaque-causing oral bacteria multiply while you sleep. That is why you could have a “mossy” taste and “morning breath” when you wake up. Plaque and bacteria are removed from your teeth by brushing with fluoride toothpaste. It also protects your enamel from acid in your diet by coating it with a protective barrier. 

If you drink something acidic, you should wait at least half an hour before brushing your teeth. Morning foods and beverages like toast, lemon, and coffee meet the acidic food criterion. Brushing your teeth first of all in the morning stimulates saliva production. One brief study of 21 older persons found that after brushing, participants’ saliva output increased for up to 5 minutes. Your saliva aids in the breakdown of food and naturally eliminates harmful oral bacteria. 

After-breakfast tooth brushing precautions 

If brushing after breakfast works better for your morning routine, go ahead and do it – but here are some things to remember. 

Cleaning your teeth quickly after having breakfast may cover them with acidic food residues, weakening your enamel. Breakfast meals are among the worst for your dental enamel, including: 

  • Pastries 
  • Orange juice 
  • Bread 
  • Citrus fruit 
  • Dried fruit 

Thus, brushing your teeth shortly after breakfast may be especially harmful to your teeth. Brushing your teeth 30 minutes to an hour after breakfast is the greatest approach to safeguard your teeth and avoid messing with your enamel. The American Dental Association suggests waiting 60 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth, especially if you have eaten acidic foods. Before brushing, drink water or chew sugar-free gum to clean your teeth. 

Most importantly, what matters is brushing your teeth every morning – whenever you can – instead of skipping altogether. 


Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity a Real Health Concern?

In an age where wireless technology permeates nearly every aspect of life, concerns about its potential health impacts have become increasingly prevalent. Among these concerns is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a condition where individuals report experiencing adverse symptoms due to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Some claim that EMFs, emitted by devices such as cell phones, […]